Read Here
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
107. What is a sub theme in Drupal ?
Sub-themes are just like any other theme, with one difference: They
inherit the parent theme's resources. There are no limits on the chaining
capabilities connecting sub-themes to their parents. A sub-theme can be a child
of another sub-theme, and it can be branched and organized however you see fit.
This is what gives sub-themes great potential.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
106. What is template.php in drupal ?
If you want to override a theme function not included in the basic list
(block, box, comment, node, page), you need to tell PHPTemplate about it.
To do this, you need to create a
To do this, you need to create a
file in your theme's directory. This file must start with a PHP opening tag
but the close tag is not needed
and it is recommended that you omit it. Also included in the file are stubs
for the theme overrides. These stubs instruct the engine what template file to
use and which variables to pass to it.Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
104. What is entity api module ?
The entity api module extends the entity API of Drupal core in order to
provide a unified way to deal with entities and their properties. Additionally,
it provides an entity CRUD controller, which helps simplifying the creation of
new entity types.
Read More here
Monday, June 23, 2014
103. What are the system requirements for drupal 7 and drupal 8 ?
Drupal 7
- Database: MySQL 5.0.15 or
PostgreSQL 8.3
- PHP Version 5.2 or higher
- PHP Memory: 40M - 64M
Drupal 8
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
Drupal Job Interview Questions and Answers ( a set of 50 questions, q52-q101)
- 101. What hardware does run on?
- 100. Drupal and Working with JavaScript
- 99. Why does Drupal need a database? What database...
- 98. How to create a static archive of a Drupal web...
- 97. Programming best practices and CMS(drupal) bes...
- 96. what are Drupal Distributions and Drupal inst...
- 95. Drupal coding standards
- 94. Drupal 8 classes and interfaces
- 93. Explain drupal advanced search
- 92. Drupal 8 , Changelog.txt - What's new in Drupa...
- 91. Drupal Negatives and explanation on Usability,...
- 90. Explain Drupal Architecture
- 89. Drupal Version release dates
- 88. Drupal at a glance
- 87. Why you shouldn't modify core drupal files ?
- 86. Explain hardcoding in drupal ?
- 85. Explain Theming in Drupal 8 ?
- 84. Steps for launching a drupal site ?
- 83. Explain drupal administration
- 82. How to configure .htaccess to ignore specific ...
- 81. What are the steps for migrating drupal websit...
- 80. How to install and configure drupal 8 ?
- 79. How to Install Drupal ?
- 78. What are alpha, beta releases and release cand...
- 77. What do version numbers in drupal mean?
- 76. Explain Backward Compatibility in Drupal ?
- 75. Explain Security features of Drupal ?
- 74. What are Entity types in drupal ?
- 73. What is Bootstrap in drupal ?
- 72. What is drupal weight ?
- 71. What is triage ?
- 70. What is drupal trigger ?
- 69. What is theme and theme engine in drupal ?
- 68. What is teaser in drupal ?
- 67. What is render array in drupal ?
- 66. What is drupal region ?
- 65. What is permission in drupal ?
- 64. What is Git in drupal ?
- 63. What is DrupalCon and Druplicon ?
- 62. What is cron in drupal ?
- 61. What is critical path ?
- 60. What is clean URL in Drupal ?
- 59. What is Drupal child ?
- 58. What is drupal cache ?
- 57. What are breadcrumbs ?
- 56. What is an argument in drupal ?
- 55. What is a Base Theme in Drupal ?
- 54. What is drupal panels ?
- 53. What is drupal 8 ?
- 52. How do you convert PSD to drupal theme ?
101. What hardware does run on?
often wonder what kind of hardware runs on. Throughout the project
history this has been a tough question. For a while it was a server in a random
office building. That server eventually died and required a fund-raising effort
to replace (the funds were raised in 24 hours!).
The critical infrastructure is all configured to share the load
and be redundant. For example, db1 and db2 are configured to be master-slave
most of the time to provide for better performance and allow the slave to be
promoted to master if the master fails.
Read More here
100. Drupal and Working with JavaScript
Drupal provides methods for
implementing JavaScript. Using these methods will help to keep your code clean
and to ensure compatibility with the way other modules implement JavaScript.
A couple of simple principles guide
Drupal's JavaScript approach:
· All pages should be perfectly
functional without scripts. JavaScript provides alternatives or supplements -
not replacements - for standard elements.
No JavaScript is hard-coded into
pages. Rather, actions are attached dynamically to page elements--and only if
the needed JavaScript support is present.
Read more here
99. Why does Drupal need a database? What databases are supported?
Drupal stores its
information - the individual pages, the registered users, and so on - in the
database. The database forms the
for your Drupal site. At this time, Drupal supports MySQL (or
an equivalent such as MariaDB), PostgreSQL, and in Drupal 7, SQLite.97. Programming best practices and CMS(drupal) best practices
best practices
practices (drupal)
96. what are Drupal Distributions and Drupal installation profiles and what is the difference between the two
profiles are what a developer creates as the basis of
distributions. They define installation steps (such as enabling modules,
defining content types, etc.) that run after Drupal's base installation when
you first install Drupal. One or more standard installation profiles are
included in the Drupal Core download; developers can create custom profiles
that set up Drupal for specific purposes, and optionally release them for
community use on It is not always easy to attempt to use an
installation profile directly, if it requires non-core modules, themes, or
libraries -- you would have to locate and download all the required components
yourself before you could install Drupal. Instead, it's a lot easier to
download a full distribution (if available).
Distributions are
full copies of Drupal that include Drupal Core, along with additional software
such as themes, modules, libraries, and installation profiles. The automatic
packaging scripts on turn installation profiles into distributions,
by gathering all the modules, themes, and libraries they require into a single
zip archive, so that all you need to do is download the full archive and run
the install script.
When to use distributions
are no hard and fast rules about when to use distributions, but here are a few
Evaluating Drupal: If you're just getting started with Drupal it
makes sense to try a distribution, since they are easier to setup and you can
see real life examples of what Drupal can do. Not all distributions are equal
though, so start with a popular well maintained distribution.
Demoing Drupal: Before building a site for someone it can be
useful to show them examples of how Drupal can be configured.
Learning Drupal: In the administration section of a
distribution, you can study the inner workings of a real example of Drupal
site, learn all the details about how it is built and configured to obtain
specific functionality, experiment with any changes and additional modules and
themes, etc.
Quickly building a site: If you're building a site similar to one
provided by a distribution it makes sense to start with a distribution. After
installing you can continue to configure the site, add modules, create themes,
etc. You can even undo things that the installation profile script may have
done. If you're changing too much though it may make more sense to just start
with stock Drupal and build from there, rather than try to undo and change what
was setup for you.
Read Full article here
93. Explain drupal advanced search
When Drupal does a
search, and returns no results, an advanced search form is displayed. The form
contains a list of content types and below fields.
1. Containing any of the words
2. Containing the phrase
3. Containing none of the words
And users can choose the search criteria if they are not able to find what they want from basic search.
And users can choose the search criteria if they are not able to find what they want from basic search.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
92. Drupal 8 , Changelog.txt - What's new in Drupal 8
Drupal 8.0, xxxx-xx-xx (development version)
- Added Twig as the default template engine and converted all .tpl.php templates
to .html.twig.
- Added tour module. Provides highly contextual tips for UI elements.
- Improved entity system.
* Added support for saving and deleting entities through the controller.
* Entities are now classed objects, implementing EntityInterface.
* Drupal now understands the concept of a "default" revision, tracked
independently from the latest revision, allowing for the creation of
drafts while the current revision stays published.
* All entity types, not just nodes, now have support for revisions.
- Replaced the core routing system with one built on the Symfony2 framework.
- Configuration:
* Added a centralized file-based configuration system.
* Allows module authors to provide configuration in a standard format.
* Implements functionality to get, set, add and remove configuration.
* Includes ability to override configuration values with language variants
and other runtime values.
- Added the CKEditor WYSIWYG editor. Provides a drag-and-drop configuration UI.
- Included the HTML5 Shiv library to support HTML5 elements in IE 8 and below.
- Included the following Symfony2 components:
* ClassLoader - PSR-0-compatible autoload routines.
* DependencyInjection - Flexible dependency injection container.
* EventDispatcher - Object-oriented lightweight event handling system.
* HttpFoundation - Abstraction objects for HTTP requests and responses.
* HttpKernel - Core system for managing incoming HTTP request and responses.
* Process - Allows for executing commands in a sub-process.
* Routing - Framework for mapping incoming requests to controller
* Yaml - Parser for YAML files.
- Included the Assetic asset management framework for PHP.
- Included Backbone.js and Underscore.js JavaScript frameworks.
- Support added for making HTTP requests through a proxy server.
- Removed modules from core.
* The following modules have been removed from core, because contributed
modules with similar functionality are available:
* Blog
* Dashboard
* OpenID
* PHP Filter
* Poll
* Profile
* Trigger
- Removed the Overlay module from core.
- Removed the Garland theme from core.
- Removed the Statistics module's accesslog functionality and reports from core.
- Removed backwards-compatibility with 'magic_quotes_gpc'/'magic_quotes_runtime'
PHP configuration settings. Both are required to be disabled.
- Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID):
* Support for generating and validating UUIDs.
- JavaScript changes:
* Updated to jQuery 2.1.0
* Updated to jQuery UI 1.10.2
* Removed jquery.bbq
- Tremendously improved language support all around.
* Great language improvements for users:
* Improved language selection with user preference detection in the
* Moved base language support to Language module.
* Greatly simplified the interface for setting up languages.
* Improved browser language detection considerably.
* Language domain and path prefix configuraton simplified and centralized;
path prefix detection is now default.
* Added HTML 5 language markup; language information added in markup in
several more places.
* Made it possible to assign external language codes to local languages.
* Introduced the possibility of an administration-specific language
preference for users.
* Simplified and added new features in interface translation:
* Made interface translation directly accessible from language list.
* Centralized interface translation import to one directory.
* Drupal can now be translated to English and English can be deleted.
* Much improved built-in translation interface.
* Added support for singular/plural discovery and translation.
* Customized translations are tracked so your modifications can
be identified and protected from translation update overwrites.
* All Gettext files are now imported in chunks, better for low resource
* Improved content language support:
* Made it possible to assign language to taxonomy terms, vocabularies,
menu items, and files.
* Added a field translation based content translation module that applies
to all content entities.
* Removed the old node-copy based content translation module.
* Introduced language defaults configuration for each entity type and
* Added entity language variance support to search module.
* Search indexing and query preprocessors now get language information.
* Unified content translation permission granularity with content editing
* Made the language selector freely orderable in entity forms.
* Better configuration language support
* Added language selectors to most configuration options (views, menus,
* Added a configuration translation user interface that works with any
configuration with translatable values (blocks, views, fields, etc).
* Added language options to block visibility.
* Much improved language APIs for developers:
* Added simple APIs and hooks to save/delete/update languages.
* New Language class wraps language information, used universally.
* Unified database schemas and APIs to make it easier to spot where
language codes are referenced.
* Made the language negotiation system APIs more consistent for
* Made it possible for users to have a preferred language separate from
their user entity language.
* The text formatter from t() is now available as format_string().
* Added support for interface translation contexts in Drupal.t(),
Drupal.formatPlural() as well as routing, tabs, actions, and contextual
* Removed textgroups support from interface translation in favor of
native configuration language support.
* Added configuration schema system to support generating translation
forms for any configuration.
* Reworked Gettext PO support to use pluggable read/write handlers.
* Added language select form element in the Form API.
- Added E-mail field type to core.
- Added Link field type to core.
- Added Phone number field type to core.
- Added local image input filter, to enable secure image posting.
- Added Views and Views UI module to core.
- Added Entity Reference field type to core.
- Added Date field type to core.
- Added a Web Services module package.
* Added a RESTful web services provider module.
* Added a serialization module using the Symfony serialization component.
* Added a Hypertext Application Language (HAL) serialization module.
* Added a HTTP Basic authentication provider module.
91. Drupal Negatives and explanation on Usability, Learning curve, Backward compatibility (for software development), Performance, scalability, Integrability with hosting structures and Search
Aspects of the Drupal 6 administration
interface were seen to be confusing and intimidating to some, particularly for
new administrators. According to
Dries Buytaert, Drupal 7 addressed 90% of the problems identified by Usability
tests conducted at the Universities of Minnesota and Baltimore. To achieve this, Acquia(the company founded by the project lead of Drupal)
hired user
experience designer
Mark Boulton to work with the Drupal community to design an improved user
interface for Drupal's administration interface. The majority of his team's design work has
been implemented by the community in Drupal 7. The 2011 usability test results
from the University of Minnesota Office of Information Technology show that all
of the major usability problems identified in Drupal 6 are either vastly
improved or non-existent in Drupal 7. However, some new usability problems were
identified. Since the release of
Drupal 7 there are now various distributions and applications to enhance the
Back-end Usability of Drupal such as Drupal Gardens, Open Enterprise and Mitkom Builder.
Learning curve
Some users describe Drupal as being
difficult to master. Drupal's many contributed modules can have overlapping
functionality and have been reported as overwhelming to new users.
Backward compatibility (for software
does not commit to backward compatibility across major revisions. This means
that module and theme developers may have to rework their code to be
compatible. However, Drupal's policy is to not change how it uses one's data.
This means that data from previous versions will still be usable without
alteration in the new release. Drupal documents any incompatibilities, allowing
the user to make informed decisions about when and whether to upgrade.
In 2008, performance tests between
Drupal 6.1 and Joomla 1.5
demonstrated that Drupal's pages were delivered "significantly
faster" than those of Joomla. Despite
this, arguments over speed persist. Drupal
is likely to be slower than a special-purpose application for a given task. For
example, WordPress typically
outperforms Drupal as a single-user blogging tool. Drupal positions itself for
broader applications requirements that are outside the scope of more narrowly
focused applications. Drupal
offers caching to store various page elements, the use of
which resulted in a 508% improvement in one benchmark. When using Drupal's default Page Cache
mechanism, the cached pages are delivered only to anonymous users, so
contributed modules must be installed to allow caching content for logged in
users. Like performance, scalability (the ability to add servers to handle
growing numbers of visitors with consistent response) can become a concern on
large, interactive sites. MySQL's
query caching can help reduce the load on the database server caused by
Drupal's high query rate. Drupal
caches database schema metadata as well
as elements such as blocks, forms and menus. Drupal
7 increases performance in database queries and reduces PHP code usage.
· Integrability with hosting structures
Because of Drupal's demanding query
requirements, Drupal-based websites can quickly become very taxing to hosts
whose databases reside on a machine separate from their HTTP
server. While the issue can normally be addressed by implementing
aggressive caching as described above, such methods may be
unimplementable in cases where the host does not offer access to PHP
accelerators like XCache or APC. Drupal has plugins that facilitate similar caching without
requiring special PHP extensions.
The Drupal core search
There are contributed modules that will
greatly improve the search functionality on a Drupal website, but they are not
easily accessible due to a high learning curve and the difficulty users have in
general of finding the right module. One
of the faceted search options is Apache
Solr Search
Integration module, however, the module requires a dedicated server or virtual private server (VPS) to operate because Solr must run on a servlet container,
e.g. Tomcat, Jetty or
Resin. These requirements make it harder for a Drupal website to have a
functional search feature. In response, Acquia and other companies have created Apache Solr SaaS products.
90. Explain Drupal Architecture
Drupal is based on less publicized but still
widely used architecture Presentation
Abstraction Control, or PAC. The menu system acts as the Controller. It
accepts input via a single source (HTTP GET and POST), routes requests to the
appropriate helper functions, pulls data out of the Abstraction (nodes and,
from Drupal 5 onwards, forms), and then pushes it through a filter to get a
Presentation of it (the theme system). It even has multiple, parallel PAC agents
in the form of blocks that push data out to a common canvas (page.tpl.php).
89. Drupal Version release dates
Release dates
1.0 15 Jan 2001
2.0 15 Mar 2001
3.0 15 Sep 2001
4.0 16 Jun 2002
4.5 16 Oct 2004
4.6 16 Apr 2005
4.7 16 May 2006
5.0 15 Jan 2007
6.0 13 Feb 2008
7.0 5 Jan 2011
7.26 15 Jan 2014
Drupal 8 is in
development, with no set release date yet. The
work on Drupal 8 is divided into categories, called Core initiatives: Mobile,
Layouts, Web Services, Configuration Management, and HTML5.
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